Volunteer Opportunities
We thank you for the ongoing effort and support to make a difference in the Mt. Washington Valley.
There are many ways to get involved with Habitat locally. You may not able to pound nails or lift heavy objects, but there are still other ways to help. Take a look at each of the following to learn how you can participate in our current project.
Volunteer to Help Build
Every THURSDAY (in season)
Each Thursday, spring through early winter, volunteers meet at the home site, Sokokis Pines, Tamworth. We provide on site construction management to coordinate the work effort. Hours are generally from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. However, any amount of time you can spend on the site is helpful and greatly appreciated. Special skills are not required and lunch is provided.
If you would like to volunteer please fill out the Volunteer Form (Download here).
Provide a picnic lunch for the volunteer crew on any Thursday workday. The volunteers (usually about 15-20 people) are not fussy – a simple sandwich, cold drink, and maybe a cookie.
Many local restaurants and members of the “Valley Originals” have donated lunches and pizzas. They continue to offer us their kindness and generosity. This year due to the scope of work on the condo project, we will be working a longer season and will need more lunch support.
If you are willing to provide lunch on a Thursday of your choice, please call the office at (603) 356-3832. Leave your name and phone number. Someone will contact you to schedule the date and arrange for pickup and delivery of the lunches.
Home Furnishing Sale
Home Furnishing Sales are our largest fund raising activity each year. Profits from Home Furnishing Sales are used for the purchase of building materials used in construction of our homes. For details about the Home Furnishing Sales, see here. We need volunteer help in two areas:
Furniture Pickup – We always need help with furniture pickups in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. We pick up furniture on Saturdays. We need help picking up these donations. If interested in volunteering as furniture pickup personnel please contact us by calling our office at (603) 356-3832 or contacting us here.
At the Home Furnishing Sales – Volunteers are always needed to help at our Home Furnishing Sales. Home Furnishing Sales are held in June and again in late August/September.
Organizational Needs
Unlike many Habitat affiliates, we are a 100% volunteer organization and have many committees that could use your help. Your participation for a short or long term help add new ideas and energy to our work. These are some of our committees – all are looking for helpful community participants.
Site selection and purchase for new builds
Arranging Business Sponsor and Partnership for donations and fund raisers
Finance & Computer Work
Family Selection Committee reviews applications and evaluates an applicant’s qualifications for home ownership.
Family Support Team works directly with our first time homeowners. This committee begins working with the families upon their selection, throughout the building process, and then for the first year after their home is complete.
Public Relations Committee working with local media and through social networks to improve communications about our needs and activities with neighbors, business groups and churches.
Fill out the contact form here if you are interested or want more information.